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How Long Until Support for Windows 7 Ends?

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Now that 2019 has arrived, Microsoft has started pushing notifications to PC’s still using Windows 7 that the end is nearing.

What This Means for You

Windows 7 has been a wonderful stable OS for over 10 years now. But Microsoft only guarantees security updates for 10 years.

What this means for you is that on January 13th, 2020, your PC will stop receiving security patches making it vulnerable to malware, virus’s and hacking attempts. The only way to avoid this long term is to upgrade to a newer version of Windows.

Windows 10

Windows 10 was a little buggy in the beginning. But it’s been out for almost 5 years now and has evolved into the best version of Windows yet. Not to mention support for Windows 10 is guaranteed till at least October 14, 2025.

What To Do

Now that you know the risks, whats the next step?

Give Grand Rapids Tech a call or email and schedule a time for us to come out. We’ll complete the Windows migration and make sure that all users are good to go!

Call us at 616-229-9840, or feel free to contact us via email.

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